
Hooker: If you think of anything else, call me. (cops leave)
Turlow: Don't count on it.
Hooker: (to FBI agents) Either of you get in my way again, you're going to need a flashlight and forceps to find your badges.
Corrigan: You know, you could lear

Hooker: I'm taking up needlepoint; I can only concentrate on one thing at a time.
Senator Grayle: I've learned a heck of a lot from you. I'd like to be team-mates with you again.
Hooker: I've learned a lot too, Stuart. I prefer the streets, they're clean.
Nembutsu: You're a dead man. I promise you.
Hooker: I'm easy to find.
Stacy: He's a friend, and he needs protection.

Stacy: Exactly. Was there something you wanted to say?
Hooker: Pack your bikini, blue eyes.
Hooker: You're pressing it, Stacy.
Stacy: I thought Karen was the psychiatrist?Hooker: She's got the diploma, I've got the streets.
Karen: What you got in there?
Hooker: An uzi, and a hostage. It's good to see you again.
Mr. Huntman: Sergeant, back off! Do you know who this little party is for? The mayor—a little fundraiser for his re-election. Push me, you push him. Get the point?
Hooker: If I have to, I'll push the both of you, to Hell and back—count on it.
Beaman: (on the model) Young of course, but she knows her way around, if you know what I mean. Very co-operative.
Hooker: I'm sure she is, just like you, Mr. Beaman.
Beaman: Yes, well... I do have to get back to work.
Hooker: Thanks for your help.
Stacy: (as Beaman makes a quick exit) I guess he means well.
Hooker: So do street pimps.
(Stacy is dressed extremely sexily)
Hooker: Salary scales ar

Hooker: (after shooting to kill) He wouldn't stop. He's dead.
Corrigan: You didn't kill him. He died a long time ago.
Hooker: I want to put someone inside the local porn business.(everyone looks at Stacy)
Lester: Are you as good as you look?
Stacy: Last I heard, I'm better.
Hooker: (on fleeing perp's car) Hit the brakes, or I'll take your head off!(about to question models)
Hooker: They're all yours.
Romano: (mock sighs) My kind of suspects.
Barbara Canton: This is Vince.
Girls: Oh

Romano: Thank you, ladies. The feeling is mutual.
Romano: Hey, Hooker, where she supposed to wear her wire?
Stacy: In my trick bag. An out callgirl never parts with her trick bag. And don't get any ideas about helping me on with it. It's fine just where it is.
April: You're a terrific cop, Hooker. I'm not anxious to die with you either.
(Teri draws something she saw on one of the crooks)
Teri: There. Another clue.
Hooker: You're real good, you know.
Teri: You're right, I am. And smart too. You know why?
Hooker: Why?
Teri: I won't have that drink with you.
Hooker: I didn't ask.
Teri: Ah, that's what makes you... only half smart, sarge.
(on an uncooperative witness)
Hooker: Maybe you'd get more out of him if you laid on a little charm.
Dani: You mean, 'bat my baby blue eyes and flirt.' Why the hell don't you try?
Hooker: I would if I had your equipment.
Dani: Right, nice to know you aren't a chauvanist.