Beer pong, as played by frat robots and sorority hos all over the country, is a very disgusting game to play while drinking. The object is to get a ping-pong ball into the cup of the opposing team...and, who the fuck cares. Frankly, we prefer Strip Pong. Use your imagination, and the photos in this article, to make up the rules. It looks like grandma is winning!
If you have not been unfortunate enough to waste part of a keg on this ridiculous reason to drink beer (Flip-cup is equally asinine, by the way), then you can find out about the rules here: http://www.bpong.com/wsobp/official-rules-of-the-world-series-of-beer-pong

Instead of throwing the ball into the beer cups, you will be throwing it into cups filled with water, and then drinking from separate beer cups. Now that makes more sense than pretending that washing off the ball that just hit the ground is somehow sanitary.
After we win this thing in Vegas, we'll hire as many "entertainers" as $50,000 can buy, assuming we even make it down there tonight.

The Official World Series Of Beer Pong... Wow! You know you want to go there. It's way more fun than playing the game on your porch, in dim lighting, with