The continuing growth of the popularity of surfing lends credence to this idea. The detectives would also be investigating crimes in the well-heeled neighborhoods of the Carolinas. Any crime that has to do with boats, drowning, surf board theft, and the like, would fall under their jurisdiction. They would also go on frequent camping trips to the mountains and run across crimes that need to be solved. They have a racing boat and a 26 footer that they use to pick up girls and entrap unwary bad guys. "Let's head back to the boat. We got some green and some white."
The Arrival - Surf meets his partner and takes an instant dislike to him after realizing it was Turf that cut in on his wave that morning.
Surf: "You have a real problem with the rules of the water, man."
Turf: "Your rules, not mine."
Captain Reynolds: "Knock it off you two. You're going to be partners.
Turf: "Your rules, not mine."
Captain Reynolds: "Knock it off you two. You're going to be partners.
Surf: "Since when did you and I decide to have an open relationship, captain?"
Groms' Wax Treat - Someone is killing groms with poison surf wax, and one murder hits Surf close to home because the victim is a cousin.
Surf: "No one deserves to die like that."
Turf: "Anyone sponsored by Red Bull does."
Surf: "He was my cousin!"
Turf: "Then you should have known who was sponsoring him!"
Turf: "Anyone sponsored by Red Bull does."
Surf: "He was my cousin!"
Turf: "Then you should have known who was sponsoring him!"

Crime Scene Investigator: You guys are contaminating my crime scene.
Surf: No. We're stopping you from taking the items home for your sick little parties.
CSI: What are you talking about?
Turf: Even from three miles out we can see what you do at 2 AM. You like to leave your curtains open don't you?
CSI: What?
Surf: Go play shock the monkey, doucebag. We got it from here.
Turf: Get lost, Waldo.

Turf: These bite marks are not consistent with any sharks we have in the area.
Surf: No, but they are consistent with that horse-face you brought back to the boat last week. Have you considered her involvement in this.
Turf - I have. We should talk to her next.
Red Dawn At High Tide - Turf is hit by a boat, while on his board, in the early morning and is seriously injured. The suspect is a redheaded beauty that Surf once dated.
Turf (In the hospital) - You know where she is don't you?
Surf: Maybe.
Turf: Then what are you waiting on? You need to arrest her.
Surf: I have to wait until sundown.
Turf: Why?
Surf: The hair. The hair gives her more strength in the daytime.
Turf (In the hospital) - You know where she is don't you?
Surf: Maybe.
Turf: Then what are you waiting on? You need to arrest her.
Surf: I have to wait until sundown.
Turf: Why?
Surf: The hair. The hair gives her more strength in the daytime.

Privileged To Disaster: When a yacht explodes, Turf suspects a faked death and shows up at the presumed victim's home to interview his spouse, only to find Surf already there with his shirt off.
Turf: You have a way of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. How do you know this woman?
Surf: (pleadingly) I need about an hour to complete this interview, Turf.
Woman. You both can leave.
Turf: You be quiet, ma'am. The detective says he has a few more questions. Surf, I'll be at the bar. Call me when you get done here.
Surf: Thanks, Turf. You turned out to be a pretty good guy.
Turf: You would do the same for me. Please remember that.
Surf: (pleadingly) I need about an hour to complete this interview, Turf.
Woman. You both can leave.
Turf: You be quiet, ma'am. The detective says he has a few more questions. Surf, I'll be at the bar. Call me when you get done here.
Surf: Thanks, Turf. You turned out to be a pretty good guy.
Turf: You would do the same for me. Please remember that.