There haven't been this many Puerto Ricans on Capitol Hill since...OK, never.
Why do these jerkoff senators in neckties have to waste all this time and money posturing for the nation when they could just confirm Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a day? Do we really have to listen to a white firefi
ghter complain like a little bitch about a case he won! Hey, ashface! They are using you! And everyone knows you don't want to be a firefighter anymore and you're going to sue the department and get a settlement and move from New Haven to Vancouver to smoke weed. Stop acting like a little pussy. You're a shame to your race. All this hoopla is just another week that we don't get to hear about more of our kids dying for an Afghan gas pipeline and Iraq black gold...and...SLEEP!
What does any of that have to do with WB and surfing? Well it just so happens that this senora that is going to be our next Supreme Court justice ("barring a meltdown," because she's a woman and women have menstrual meltdowns, get it?) is from a family that is from the town of Lajas, Puerto Rico.
Lajas, as many surfers from Wrightsville Beach know, is centrally located between Rincon and Manzanillo on what is PR's best surfing coastal corner. Next time you are down there, you should take the time to visit her family's town, where she is known to visit a few times a year. You just might bump into one of the historic figures in American history, if you
manage to avoid getting tackled by the Secret Service. Oh! Whoa! Wait a minute.
On second thought, stay the hell away from Lajas because that town is going to get hotter than WTC Ground Zero with surveillance and government snipers to protect her huge extended family, even when she is not on the island. There will be no more cheap drugs (DEA), no more cheap vacations (realtors), no more fun, period. Thanks for putting that corner of the island on the spy satellite radar, Sonia. Congratulations on being the first female Hispanic member of the Supreme Court. We are sure it is a very high honor for which you have worked very hard, for most of your life, against immeasurable odds, to quietly achieve. Aff(cough)irmative Act(cough)ion! are... now coming...awake...and you feel refreshed...and you can go back to watching televised hearings about bullshit that has nothing to do with you or your tax bracket. Are you awake, yet?
Next: Wings Is Cock Full Of Happy Fun Boy Time (Check out the excellent site for help with this joke.)
Why do these jerkoff senators in neckties have to waste all this time and money posturing for the nation when they could just confirm Justice Sonia Sotomayor in a day? Do we really have to listen to a white firefi

What does any of that have to do with WB and surfing? Well it just so happens that this senora that is going to be our next Supreme Court justice ("barring a meltdown," because she's a woman and women have menstrual meltdowns, get it?) is from a family that is from the town of Lajas, Puerto Rico.
Lajas, as many surfers from Wrightsville Beach know, is centrally located between Rincon and Manzanillo on what is PR's best surfing coastal corner. Next time you are down there, you should take the time to visit her family's town, where she is known to visit a few times a year. You just might bump into one of the historic figures in American history, if you

On second thought, stay the hell away from Lajas because that town is going to get hotter than WTC Ground Zero with surveillance and government snipers to protect her huge extended family, even when she is not on the island. There will be no more cheap drugs (DEA), no more cheap vacations (realtors), no more fun, period. Thanks for putting that corner of the island on the spy satellite radar, Sonia. Congratulations on being the first female Hispanic member of the Supreme Court. We are sure it is a very high honor for which you have worked very hard, for most of your life, against immeasurable odds, to quietly achieve. Aff(cough)irmative Act(cough)ion! are... now coming...awake...and you feel refreshed...and you can go back to watching televised hearings about bullshit that has nothing to do with you or your tax bracket. Are you awake, yet?
Next: Wings Is Cock Full Of Happy Fun Boy Time (Check out the excellent site for help with this joke.)