"The President will drink Bud Light. As I understand it -- I have not heard this, I've read this, so I'll just repeat what I've read, that Professor Gates said he liked Red Stripe, and I believe Sergeant Crowley mentioned to the President that he liked Blue Moon. So we'll have the gamut covered tomorrow afternoon. I think we're still thinking, weather permitting, the picnic table out back." - Spokesman

Obama: I think I'll be having the Framboise Lambic. Michelle and I often enjoy that on our date nights.
Chief of Staff: Most American drink crap beer like Bud Light. That's what you'll have to maintain your everyman, every nationality public face.
Obama: O.K. Sounds good.
Gates: To show my unity with my black brothers oppressed all over the world, I'm drinking the stubby Red Stripe, mon. Power to the people!.. Who actually owns the brew

Crowly: I gotta' keep my wits about me and drink Blue Moon, but I'm bringing my flask of scotch for after I split. Hope I don't have to take this guy down again.
Bush Jr.: What the hell! You told me no alchohol has ever been allowed in the White House, Lara!
Have fun drinking beer, gentlemen. We will try to do the same. (Cough)

Next: Have Some Whiskey That Beer