The previous article took the stance that the sound of breaking bottles is a very disconcerting event that detrimentally affects the body's chemical balance and may drive you bat shit crazy if you have to often deal with it. We were talking about that happening over the course of hours and not at the end of a business day for a few seconds.
Last weekend, according to the Lumina News: "John Paul Joseph Shellem, a manager at Red Dogs, was cited for a noise violation and then was later arrested for dumping empty bottles. He was transported to the New Hanover County Sheriff's Office where he received a $600 secured bond."
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Noise violations are usually not enforced after 7 AM because that is when construction can begin. Perhaps it is the wish of the residents who complained (if they even exist, because cops have been known to make shit up) that the staff of Red Dogs come into work at 7 AM, gather all the bottles they can from their other friends that own bars all across Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach, and dump thousands of bottles into the container. They could do this every morning until the neighbors complain and Red Dogs is allowed to take out the trash as it has been doing long before the owners of the new houses behind it were lucky enough to not be cum stains on their daddy's balls.
There's more to come on this issue.
Next: Electric Hawaii Contest