Today is one of those days when, if you are thirsty, and you don't want to drink water, you are reminded of the availability of "water with a kick." That's because today is beer delivery day at WB. The trucks are all lined up like little ducklings at the end of North Lumina, which is what is known as downtown WB. Beer delivery guys can be seen pushing huge dollies stacked with boxes of the elixir to the various bars and restaurants.
There are some types of beer that seem to be more popular than others around these here parts. Apart from the Bud Light and Miller Light (which are not beers, they are water with flavoring added) there is a special affinity at the beach for:
Corona and Corona Light - The ads are working. For years it has been impressed upon your brain that a sandy beach and Corona are the height of relaxation. Then you can further ruin a terrible beer by adding lime to it and tipping it over end so the lime floats and gets all in there. Whatever. One thing cannot be denied: If you are having a party, and there are going to be women there, you need to have a case of Corona Lights handy for your special guests. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corona_(beer)
Pabts Blue Ribbon - Yes, this is a man's drink, and it is also a manly woman's drink. There is nothing dainty about the 16oz can, much less the 24oz they sell at Lagerheads. The design on the can is...well, it's not really designed to appeal to anyone in particular. It's been around since 1844 and it really doesn't seem to give a fuck if you don't like it. It's the working man/woman's beer and they sell a whole lot of it at the bars that don't depend on pretentious customers to stay afloat. It is a bargain, it is decent tasting, and it is does not give you a terrible hangover. Hippie chicks like this beer, so be considerate of your guests and provide PBR and essential oils at your next party. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pabst_Brewing_Company

Dos Equis - This is another Mexican beer that reminds the locals of beaches and fun. The ad campaign featuring "the most interesting man in the world" (http://www.slate.com/id/2218849/) , one of the best in recent memory, may have run its course, but it did well at suggesting that more people try this brand that is really very good. The amber variety seems to outsell the lager by quite a bit, and once again you should add a lime to ruin an otherwise good beer. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dos_Equis#Dos_Equis
Longboard - Buy, surfer scum! Buy! This Hawaiian beer has quite a few varieties and started off with a bang on the beach about a year ago. It is not available in very many places, but if you manage to find it on tap, go for it! But for God's sake, do not, for any reason, try the Wailua Wheat variety. Man, that one tastes like someone squeezed grass (lawn grass) into a bottle of beer and capped it, but the Lager and the Firerock are exceptional. There is a variety for every taste. http://www.konabrewingco.com/beers
Next: Wild Wing Cafe Is Not Really a Cafe'