Friday, July 17, 2009

Cougar Hunting - Part 3 - Take a Yoga Class

The best show on TV is that yoga show on FitTV where the hot Canadian girls are doing poses in rain forests, and leaky warehouses, and on a beach. The second best show is the one where larger Canadian girls are belly dancing in similar places. But the yoga one takes the cake as being the most sexually suggestive show around. Flexibility in a women counts. Flexibility and cougar ladies? Mad bonus.

Yoga is not easy, but you don't have to try as hard as everyone else to get the poses if you are not there for the health benefits. The classes are a great place to meet ladies of every age. Women start to realize that the benefits of yoga will help extend their shape and beauty at around age 30. Younger ladies don't think they need yoga (After all, they are going to live forever). That means that yoga classes are perfect hunting grounds for a guy who wants a little mamalicious lovin'.

The instructers at Wilmington Yoga Center are reason enough to sign up for a few classes, but let's stick to the theme of the article, shall we? You will want to position yourself in the back of the class so that you have a wide, clear view of every potential. A slight smile is also good way to fit into the class. Yoga practitioners seem to be consistantly having a great day. Yea! You will also want to wear some natural fabric sweats and bring a towel. Just think natural, man. All natural. Try not to wear cologne or hair gel or anything that these people might be "psychologically allergic" to. Do not take the Hot Yoga class. You will die! It's like 100 degrees, and your blood and the fluid in your brain will boil. Ever do it in a sauna and pass out? Not all.

Once you have taken a few classes and gained the whole trust thing with the group, you can move on to selecting who will be your friend. The classes are great because this is woman in her most natural state. This is what they really look like: no makeup, wearing sweats, hair all messy, sober, barefoot, no jewelry, and so on. They are also sweating, which is always sexy, and you are in a room full of natural feminine wonder (and one or two other dudes). If you can't get laid after like seven classes, there is something wrong with YOU.

The after-class cool down is also important. Try to find some tasty food to eat downstairs at Tidal Creek health food store (good luck). You will want to head down there with a few of the ladies and lounge outside on the picnic tables while munching on some...water or fruit juice. The rest, as they say, is up to you. Read up on the history of yoga, memorize some Indian names and styles of yoga and you are on your way to happy yoga cougar land. Namaste.

Next: 3-400 Hundred Dollars A Night For A Holiday Inn Express? Ninja, please.