We're not sure what that s

Let's get something out of the way: we enjoy the marina way more than we enjoy the restaurant. If we could hang out and drink beer and booze all day without eating anything, we would do it at Dockside. Come to think of it, that entire street of restaurants (Dockside, Fishhouse Grill, Bridge Tender) leaves something to be desired when it comes to good eating; that something would be a menu that is not hit or miss. A miss at the Fishhouse is now not such a bad thing since they drastically reduced their prices.
You will be able to find a few items that you like if you were to try the entire Dockside menu over a period of time. But if you don't have all year, you might want to go with a safer bet and get food elsewhere. There is something on the menu for everyone, but the specialty is seafood lunch in a basket. Lots of places on the coast pretend that the basket is a charming, nostalgic way to present their food; we think they are too cheap to wash dishes.
This is not an easy review to write because it is difficult to explain how good and bad (at the same

The decks and bar area are a great place to chill on a nice day and hang out with boat captains and their guests who, for some reason, are slumming at Dockside. The bar area is very chummy and filled with locals. Why they are not chilling across the ICW at the higher end Bluewater Grill demands explanation. We think it's because they don't want to appear too elitist. Maybe you can ask them when you go to Dockside to eat and drink.