Chicks date old, rich dudes all the time and never mind being seen in public or dealing with the gossip and whispering that resulted from their romance. It's only over the last few years that is has become very fashionable to date a guy that is 10 or more years younger and show them off to friends and family. We are, of course, talking about consenting adults over the age of 18. It's going to be very difficult the get financial and emotional support if your cougar is in a jail cell, so the relationship needs to be legal.
It would be nice if you could just stroll out your door and meet the older woman of your dreams, but this, like most things, requires just a bit more work. That is why God invented the Internet. Everyone knows someone who has found true love on the Interweb. Dating websites take all the guesswork and learning curves out of today's relationships. Simply type in your likes and dislikes and BAM!, you get your instant soul mate.

The most popular dating sites are: http://www.match.com/ , http://www.chemistry.com/ and http://www.eharmony.com/. E-Harmony is the one with the commercial in which people look a little...off. That's because their site is based on religious compatibility, which basically means that most of the participants are inbred...ah...meant to say goofy-looking.
There are PLENTY of other dating sites, but the one we recommend is straight-forward and funny: http://www.dateacougar.com/w.dateacougar.com/ Is this site for the bad girls that have been banned from the other three sites? If so, sweet! These chicks look rough and tumble and you had better keep your stun gun handy if you are going to let them into your lives. There's nothing like a sexy, horny cougar that has a rap sheet folder. Maybe she'll hold a gun to your head while she gets her rocks off. Yeah, felon cougars have no fear of sexual experimentation...or the law.
So use the Internet to your advantage today and live life to the fullest by going digital hunting...for cougars!
Next: Part 2 - On Safari at Boca Bay and Osteria Cicchetti