This site provides information about local culture for the visitors and residents of Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina.
None of the businesses listed within this site asked for or paid for a review, and that's why some reviews may seem harsh. These reviews are honest opinions, and we will constantly encourage our readers to visit the locations to offer encouragement or to tell them what they think can be improved, including and beyond what we mentioned.
We feel that is the essence of customer relations, service, and care. But what the fuck do we know? You are the one they should be trying to convince to give them money. Let them know if it's working.
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The most poorly-written, highly-rated show of all time will hit the theaters soon. Let's begin the homage with the help of
I did not crash this plane! I simply landed it without the customary accompaniment of forward thrust or lift.
Use your imagination! Or you can borrow mine.
I don't wanna be a secret weapon! I want to be an exposed weapon!
The fog was as thick as a linebacker's neck and the moon wasn't saying much either. Just watchin'.
Infinity is like an envelope. You can stretch it across your eyes, put a light behind it, but you can never see the light because it won't travel fast enough.
It was a cow, a definite moo, exactly as I saw it in my mind. And don't try and make me feel better Face, I know I'm supposed to have a zany fantasy life, but I have never had anything jump out of the woodwork and give milk like that. . . It was scary! I've encountered destiny.
I'm not nuts, I'm condiments. I've been promoted.
Is it too late to have you guys break me in to the VA?
Who put the stop payment on my Reality check?
I don't wanna ever hear anything about me doin' bizzaro things again, Hannibal! Now that was crazy, and I know what I'm talkin' about.
You can room with me at the V.A. We'll put in an extra bunk, then you and I can watch the walls melt.
I knew it, I knew it. . . you had a plan!
I love the smell of a revolution in the morning, it smells like hushpuppies.