Instead of gorging on so-so wings at Wild Wing Cafe, it would be a good idea to have a quieter, more satisfying lunch at the Sandwich Pail, across the parking lot from WWC. This tasty little eatery used to be located on South Lumina on WB and it has been sorely missed. They are now located in Landfall Center and it is well worth the short hike to check them out. They seem to want to remain a well-kept secret because we could not find a menu for them anywhere on the web, so we'll do this write-up based upon our pleasant memories of the last time we ate there.
They specialize in sandwiches for lunch. The crowd seems to be mostly Landfall Ladies Who Lunch. There's definitely wine and beer available and you can enjoy your food in a very unpretentious atmosphere with great service.
Now to the food. Sandwich Pail has, hands down, one of the best burgers anywhere near this beach. It is prime--not greasy, not dry, not overly seasoned. Their patties are hand-formed and fresh. The other sandwiches are no slouches either. The Cuban sandwich is full of meat and only a fat or really hungry person will be able to eat the whole thing. After you've tried a few of the items, youll be hooked and you can try the rest of the menu. Trust us on this one.
And the best thing about this place? The prices. None of the items are above $10, which is surprising, given that this is Landfall Center, and they could rip off any of these overpaid divorcees and business people by overcharging if they wanted to. But they don't; they just stick to making fine, high quality, affordable food.
It sure would be nice if they were still here on the beach, but we're glad they didn't move far away. If you have not tried Sandwich Pail you are a wasteful fool, and you will be judged accordingly when your day comes.
Next: Boy Mauled By Wild Animal. Film at 11.