Friday, July 10, 2009

Strike A Pose - 5th Annual Reef / Sweetwater Pro-Am Surf Fest July 10-12th, 2009 in Wrightsville Beach, NC

It's very easy to say slightly amusing things about surfers and their approach to life and their art (like we often do here), but when you get the opportunity to witness professionals and up-and-coming surfers participate in an event in your backyard, you should go and enjoy it.

This year's Pro-Am has arrived again, and what started five years ago has quickly become a great time of good vibes and quality surfing (if nature chooses to cooperate). This will be one of the better weekends of the year at WB. The local business will benefit from the continued enthusiasm for surfing--and let's face it, this is not like a regular holiday weekend crowd. Surfers and the people that follow surfing are usually really well-behaved and tend to be environmentally responsible. In other words, they are the perfect demographic that our beach should continue to try to attract. The nightlife should be engaging (nudge), as well.

Best of luck to all the participants, and best wishes to the spectators and supporters.

Next: 4 AM Smokes And Slim Jims!