No one likes hot dogs more than we do. We've eaten enough dogs over a lifetime to fill the interior of the smallest eatery in Wilmington and WB, The Trolley Stop. And perhaps that is the reason that we can't possibly eat any more hot dogs. Let's face it, hot dogs are for young people whose stomach linings are intact, whose gastric juices have not dried up, and who don't have to take a shit at three in the morning every day.
Take a look at who is on line for that place on a typical summer day. They don't have a care in the world. The line extends about 20 deep and they are adherant fans to what has to be the most disgusting food stuff ever invented.
What the fuck is in a hot dog? Get ready to puke. Google "variety meats" to find out about hearts, livers, and kidneys added to hot dogs. Then Google "mechanically separated meat" which is "a paste-like and batter-like meat product produced by forcing bones, with attached edible meat, under high pressure through a sieve or similar device to separate the bone from the edible meat tissue. Hot dogs can contain no more than 20 percent mechanically separated pork, and ANY amount of mechanically separated chicken or turkey." according to the government's FSIS website. "All beef" or "All chicken" still means what is left over from the carcass

--Sodium nitrite (or sodium nitrate) is used as a preservative, coloring and flavoring in hot dogs (and other processed meats), and studies have found it can lead to the formation of cancer-causing chemicals called nitrosamines.
MSG, a flavor enhancer used in hot dogs and many other processed food has been labeled as an "excitotoxin," which, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock, an author and neurosurgeon, are "a group of excitatory amino acids that can cause sensitive neurons to die."-- Source sixwise.com
Well guess what, aren't ALL neurons supposed to be "sensitive?" Neurons make up the cells in your brain and spinal column. It doesn't get any more "sensitive" that, Russell. Even kosher hot dogs are fucked up, and they're supposed to sanctioned by the Chosen People, and by extension, God.
We're not PETA fanatics and we don't want to tell anyone how to lead their lives, because of the amount of beer and booze we consume, but it's just really funny to give this response when people ask if you want a hot dog: "If I wanted to eat a pig's anus, I would get arrested and spend time in jail."
That's almost as good as when someone asks if you like sushi. The joke answer is, "If I wanted mercury I would eat a thermometer."
Ha, ha , ha. Poisonous food that is slowly killing us all is hilarious.
Next: Your Boyfriend Cheated On You Under Johnny Mercer's Pier With That Redhead He Said Couldn't Stand.