Consider that you are a young, virile 19 years old that has just finished basic training, or that you are a young, virile Marine who has just finished a tour in the Middle East and want to be reminded about the reason you were killing ragheads. Then you need look no further than between Johnny Mercer and Crystal piers. There are very few ugly and fat girls on this beach. The competition level is just too high for some; they are shamed into going to Carolina or Kure beach by what are simply some of the hottest bikini fillers on the east coast.

Now consider that you are a fine, nubile college girl student and being away from mom and dad is a gaslight to your newly liberated libido. Well hell, what could be better than a guy your age showing off his pecs and talking about the amount of rounds he's fired from his machine gun? Slap on some oil, get with a couple of equally cute friends (you'll need the safety later) and find yourself a potential husband with full military benefits.
This is hardly a joke. This scenario has played itself out on the beach for generations. Some of those classes are just too damn hard to get good grades. And most of the girls that live in Jacksonville, where the base is located, are just dogs. If you think you may not make it back from a war-zone after another extended tour, you had better have a photo of a UNCW girl in your wallet and have her send you nighttime photos by email if you want to remember to keep your head down and stay ALIVE!
Of course, some of the Marines like to blow off TOO much steam and end up in more than a few confrontations, which is why they usually travel, as they have been trained to do, in a unit of about five. If you have trouble with any of them, try to talk to the older-looking one that isn't saying much because that's the only one that can defuse the younger bucks. Or you could just get more of your boys and go to war with them because you're such a bad-ass and piss-drunk that you want to ignore the fact they are trained to kill...people..lots and lots of people. Keep in mind that mari

As for the ladies who think that the sunrise is an excuse to wear a bikini all day and to show off the talents that will be exhausted in the next five years, or as soon as they pop out a little toy soldier from the womb, MORE POWER TO YOU GIRL! Go get some! If you got it, flaunt it. If you don't got it...fuck those jealous bitches! Bikini fetish is probably not yet a psychological term, but we will certainly begin to float the theory that both the wearer and the observer are involved in something that may or may not be wholesome. Considering all the various types of bikinis, it is conceivable that in a few years they will included in casual days at the office. Insert Stimulus Package joke...over there! Just ignore creepy dudes that are taking photos of your ass and posting it on the internet and commenting on how nice...oh, never mind.
Next: Surfer Dudes That Run Away With Your Girl To Costa Rica