Rhymes are cool. They should teach more poetry in school. But sometimes you hear words that sounds like fingernails on blackboards. It's gone on too long, like that itch on my schlong. There has to be a new way to say Sunday FunDay.
The term is used up like the strippers at Crazy Horse. The best new term we've heard so far is Domingo Funday, which is half-Spanish and thus half cool--the Spanish side, that is. How about the full Espanol? Domingo Dia de Allegre. Too long? That's what she said! Ha, Ha. (Let's start punching anyone who says that in the face.) Here's a list of other recent rejected terms that we might still promote if you don't help us find a new one:
Sunday BunDay - Day to scope out male or female buns. That's actually every day.
CuntDay - Quiet day at home with the person you are NOT cheating with
DoneDay - No more partying for the rest of the weekend. Riight.
GunDay - AKs, Mach 10s, MP5s, Barettas and Glocks, fool! Back up!
LoneDay - Waaah...
NunDay - It is Sunday after all, so dress up like nuns with a few friends and throw a wine bash.
T'sOnDay - Because it is on.
PunDay - Puns and other parlor games to help with vocabulary and reasoning skills, while taking shots
RunDay - All RunDMC music, all day
TonDay - Truck and Tractor Pull time, boy.
VomDay - Drink 'till you puke
Send us your suggestions for a new way to actually make Sunday sound like fun again. We'll pick a winner in few weeks. In the meantime, waste money here: http://www.gosundayfunday.com/
Next: I Did Because I Hate My Dad! OK?!