New Hanover County Jail is a supermax-style prison that is designed to destroy any memories of the life you had before you entered. It is a experiment in fear, disorientation, and hopelessness--and that's how the guards that work there feel! They have this glazed look in their eyes like they are bored. "Oh fuck, another 12 hour shift sitting on my ass in this hell-hole?" their eyes seem to groan. They smile at you while chewing gum, sizing you up to see if you're going to give them trouble.
Once the WBPD cars enter the facility and you are brought into the holding area for a continuation of the arduous process of booking, it might be a good time to sober up and realize that you are actually in trouble. At front desk area the officer will sign you over to the sheriff's office and ask questions that you don't have to answer like, "What's your religion?" Pentecostal Snake Worshipper Ministries of Duplain County is always good answer to that one.
Thirty more minutes of paperwork later, you are led to a holding cell. A few minutes later you are allowed to make a phone call to a bail bondsman or lawyer or family member. This your last chance to get bailed out if you don't want to go through the final phase
s of the booking process and be taken to the pods, which is the isolation-based holding facility deep within the prison. You'll usually get about 15 minutes or so to reach someone by phone to bail you out, but if your bail is set at about $500 or less it might be difficult to get a bondsman to come down there for such a small payoff. In that case you will have to get a friend or a family member to come down and pay the full amount for your release. More paperwork.
If you can't get bailed out, you will be interviewed by nurse about your medical and psychological condition. One of the questions you be asked is, " Do you have suicidal thoughts?" Do NOT answer with "Doesn't everyone?" because you will be placed in isolation and on suicide watch. Now is the time to start getting serious with you answers if you don't want to get fucked with by the prison employees. They can do a variety of things to make you stay tougher once they have red-flagged you as a troublemaker. We'll go into those later.
You will then be asked to remove your clothing and you will be issued prison garb and prison slippers (God only knows where and on whom those have been). Your photo will be taken by a digital camera and any tattoos you have will be documented. If you have committed a felony, a DNA sam
ple will be taken in NC for the national database. You will be asked to strip down and take a shower and put on your new outfit, after which you will walk to the holding cell area. You carry a large plastic box that holds a towel, a toothbrush and toothpaste package, and a blanket to the holding area. The hallway are designed to disorient you so that if you attempt to escape you will end up between locked corridor doors and running down hallways that lead to dead ends.
Once you arrive at the pod area, your paperwork is given to the guards on duty. You are no longer person, you are a number and you are a guest of county of New Hanover and they are the worst hotel in town. You entered an institution of escalated punishment and you have yet to be found guilty of a crime. You are being reprimanded because you obviously need to be taught a lesson in civil behavior. You need to be conditioned and controlled so that the fear of being back at the county jail is the all you think about from this day forward. If you are guilty, and you know it, then you deserve everything you get. If you innocent or the charges are so petty as to be laughable, you're still screwed.
New Hanover County Jail is a supermax-style prison that is designed to destroy any memories of the life you had before you entered. It is a experiment in fear, disorientation, and hopelessness--and that's how the guards that work there feel! They have this glazed look in their eyes like they are bored. "Oh fuck, another 12 hour shift sitting on my ass in this hell-hole?" their eyes seem to groan. They smile at you while chewing gum, sizing you up to see if you're going to give them trouble.
Once the WBPD cars enter the facility and you are brought into the holding area for a continuation of the arduous process of booking, it might be a good time to sober up and realize that you are actually in trouble. At front desk area the officer will sign you over to the sheriff's office and ask questions that you don't have to answer like, "What's your religion?" Pentecostal Snake Worshipper Ministries of Duplain County is always good answer to that one.
Thirty more minutes of paperwork later, you are led to a holding cell. A few minutes later you are allowed to make a phone call to a bail bondsman or lawyer or family member. This your last chance to get bailed out if you don't want to go through the final phase

If you can't get bailed out, you will be interviewed by nurse about your medical and psychological condition. One of the questions you be asked is, " Do you have suicidal thoughts?" Do NOT answer with "Doesn't everyone?" because you will be placed in isolation and on suicide watch. Now is the time to start getting serious with you answers if you don't want to get fucked with by the prison employees. They can do a variety of things to make you stay tougher once they have red-flagged you as a troublemaker. We'll go into those later.
You will then be asked to remove your clothing and you will be issued prison garb and prison slippers (God only knows where and on whom those have been). Your photo will be taken by a digital camera and any tattoos you have will be documented. If you have committed a felony, a DNA sam

Once you arrive at the pod area, your paperwork is given to the guards on duty. You are no longer person, you are a number and you are a guest of county of New Hanover and they are the worst hotel in town. You entered an institution of escalated punishment and you have yet to be found guilty of a crime. You are being reprimanded because you obviously need to be taught a lesson in civil behavior. You need to be conditioned and controlled so that the fear of being back at the county jail is the all you think about from this day forward. If you are guilty, and you know it, then you deserve everything you get. If you innocent or the charges are so petty as to be laughable, you're still screwed.