You know the guy from high school or college that used to get picked on all the time because he was always drawing and being weird? Well once he became a tattoo artist and

Remember that girl you dumped while telling her you were never attracted to her? Well once she got a "tramp stamp" it turns out guys find her highly attractive.
So what's with the freakonomics involved in the ever expanding business of body modification? It seems that these days if you have virgin skin, to grab a tone from Maurey Povich, You ARE The Freak. All your friends and co-workers have tattoos, and no matter what they say, that shit hurts. We all have different pain thresholds, but there are a few things to remember if you want to join the cult of tattoo.
- Choose Carefully - Unless you want to pay hundreds or thousands of dollars for tattoo removal, get the design straight, get it sketched and traced properly, and get the most talented person you can find to do it.
- What's Talent? - Not because they can draw means they can tat. Going to a cheap friend is probably a mistake. Ask people you see with tattoos that you and like where they got theirs done.
- You Get What You Pay For - Says it all.

- Get It In A Place That Can Be Covered - You know why, slacker. Your parents aren't going to be around forever to support you.
- Avoid the Face Piercings - Unless you are going into the body modifying industry or work for the traveling carnival.
- Don't ever get a portrait tat. It's like stuffing a dead pet; it will not look the way you want it to look. Even super foxy Megan Fox has a crappy Marilyn Monroe portrait on her arm.
- DO get the clitoral piercing or Prince Albert because that shows true dedication to pleasure and overall slutiness. It's so much easier to get all that awkwardness out of the way after the first time you do it. Yeah, three rings down there means that you should marry her.
- Realize that the fact you are willing to sit for tens of hours for intricate designs that costs lots of money and cause plenty of pain (during and after the process) may indicate that you have some unresolved issues, the least of which is sadomasochism, and can lead you down that weird road that all cults have--the road of excess.
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