The older dudes will tell you that they used to cast a line off the beach or off the jetties and they would catch fish all day. These days you have to wait to get the fish that you can clean and store in the freezer for the lean months. Summer fishing is off to a slow start this year. It could be the water temperature, or the global warming, or the fact that unchecked commercial fishing has cut a swath through the food chain that is suppose to provide bio-diversity and balance sustainable fishing. Just about every young fisherman will disagree, but the old dudes know. There has never been this few fish and it's time to realize we need to back off the seafood if we want our grandchildren to be able to enjoy fishing. Wake up, people.

Until then, grab the rod and reel and warm up the grill because you are a fool if you take money out of your almost empty pocket and pay grocery and seafood stores for something you can get a stone-throws distance from where you live. King and Spanish Mackerel, Flounder, Bluefish, Dolphin, Flatties, Red Drum, Snapper--all good eatin' and all waiting for you.
Find a friend with a boat, or pitch in and charter one (before the price of gas hits $4.50 again), and head out to the wild blue yonder for a day of polarized fun. Then gut and clean that baby, make some lame excuse about why you can't stay to help clean the boat, and grab some beer on the way home to a full belly and left-over fillets for the freezer.
Never mind this little tick on the marine radar. It will all blow over soon.
Next: Busted Part 3 - Down At The Local Cop Shop