This one is tough because some of this type are friends.
So you can believe us when we say that they lie, cheat, and steal more than anyone else and they get away with it because of the cheery, cute smile and the promises of taking your girlfriend (or wife) to Costa Rica and New Zealand. If any of them are anywhere near your girl or sister or mom and try to break out travel photos or even fuckin' TALK about some trip to Hawaii they took last year, kick them in the teeth, sic the dog on them, and chase them down with a shotgun loaded with deer slugs.
Many a Wrightville Beach relationship has been ended by these dudes that pick up STDs in Panama, Puerto Rico, Costa, and every other shithole surf "mecca" and bring them promptly back to your girl's cooch while smiling away and playing yukalale in your bedroom when you're at work.
This isn't sterotyping

P.S. - All apologies to our surfer friends who actually went to foreign countries and don't have an STD and calls his mom regularly and doesn't cheat on his girlfriend and who's brain isn't fried from X....Let's stop it there. We just ran through a hundred of them.
Next: Get Down On the Ground!! Now!!