Then the Scotchman across the street closed and everyone on the north end had to go to the BP on Causeway Drive or go off the island for gas and overpriced Doritos when Robert's Grocery was closed for the day. Then the BP stopped selling gas and that opened the door for someone to reopen the old gas station on Salisbury because everyone keeps their gas tank near empty to avoid spending money they don't have.
So now this new station sells gas and overpriced Doritos and is run by a fairly nice fellow who seems to be of Middle Eastern heritage. He smiles, he's polite, he gives the correct change, he's employing American workers when he's not there. But still we have to hear the bullshit about not supporting the store because the money is going to Al Qaeda. Hey, until we see the Al Qaeda Handbook in his hands with a finger on the trigger, we're going to assume that the guy is just trying to live the American dream and support his family.

The jealousy involved in labeling the guy, who probably had to pass a back round check to buy a frickin' place anywhere near the state of NC, has been staggering . It's all well and good to hate people different from ourselves, but if they are providing a necessary service, like BEER and CIGARETTES and GAS and MUNCHIES and TOILET PAPER, you better back the fuck off because that guy is in the Circle of Friends On A Probationary Basis. Beer and cigarettes alone means we might mistakenly die for him, like Mr. White in the movie Reservoir Dogs.
Leave the guy alone and be thankful that he was able to get the investment money (from Allah knows where) to provide you with gas early in the morning when your tank is on E...again. We don't know his name, we don't know the name of the gas station--we don't need to know him by any other name but Mr. Orange.
Next: You'll Wreck If You Miss The Lighthouse