Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Rainy Days

The days of rain like today at WB are the ones that are the easiest to weather. There is no traffic, there is no crowd on the beach. There are also no hot bodies, no one at the bars in the afternoons, and nothing to do if you are not working.
Everything you need to know about WB can be found in the links below. Feel free to read the official story on any of these pages. It is the unofficial shit that we will concern ourselves with in order to balance out what is basically a paranoid and delusional sense of self and history by the keepers and elders and lawmen of the island. They want your money so they won't tell you shocking little secrets like the fact that Sunday afternoons is when it's OK for Blacks and Hispanics to take over the beach. After all that's the way it's always been. Ssshhhh. Don't tell anyone. It's supposed to be a secret.




Pretty fucking disgusting, huh? Why would anyone want to live here? It seems to be the worst place on the East Coast. But for some reason people move here and never leave, drawn--no dragged--to stay here and raise rugrats and retire while talking about the last hurricane and predicting the next. It's an endless cycle of the same Twilight Zone episode, replayed on New Years Day, for the rest of their lives.

Of course it's not all bad. In between the day-to-day horrors there are things to do and places to visit and people to screw and screw over. Which brings us to the purpose of these entries. These are meant to be an entertaining guide through the filth that is WB. Along the way we'll come to some smooth sea glass or shiny lost earrings that may restore your faith in this pithole of the East Coast. But don't worry, we will salt the journey with enough broken beer bottles, garbage, and drunken Sunday morning grandmothers to keep you grounded and remind you that every story on Fantasy Island does not end well.

Next Entry: Are you a LOCAL!? No!? Then you better get the fuck off MY island!!