Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More Silly Beach Games

There nothing like a crowded beach to set up your own favorite game that takes up a whole lot of prime real estate and helps you kick up sand. Here are two more games for obnoxious morons that seem to be soaring in popularity this summer. Yea!

Cornhole - It's really tough to make fun of a name that already makes fun of itself. Butthole is actually a very challenging game, but keep it on your porch or street; and that website above about shithole can't be serious. Please read the "President's Message" and tell us, after looking at the president's photo, what the fuck is wrong with these people.

Blongoball - Ohh, fuck. What do you think you get if you sign up for their newsletter? Do you get your balls cleaned for free. At least this site is tongue-in-cheek, with it's overt sexual references and sophomoric attempts at humor and...(oh, hey, maybe we shouldn't throw stones in glass houses). It's also known as "bolo ball" or the dickier "ladder golf" and guess what? This game still sucks monkey balls! Go play golf OR go bring down cattle, animals, and people with a real "bola." Don't try to combine the two for "lighthearted fun."

Other notable bolos that are way cooler than your gay game: That's a cool site.

Next: Ban The Term " Sunday FunDay"