Tuesday, June 16, 2009


What is the best and worst of this place we have dubbed Fantasy Island?
It is a small strip of land with a long history that mirrors our country's darkest moments and finest hopes for redemption. From it's inception as a playground for the employees of a powerful electric company to today's respite for surfers and retirees, Wrightsville Beach, NC is a confluence of Cape Hope and Cape Fear. It is a beacon of aspiration waiting to be held up, and it is a sullied mass of old-world thinking and conservative ideals mired in sheltered despair and the fear of change.
This blog hopes the examine the day-to-day workings that makes this place so cool for some and so uncool for others. Places to stay and eat, attractions, activities, fun, sun will be featured, as well as crime, abuses of power, racism, drunken revelry and substance abuse. Don't ever forget that this here was once the land of pirates and that spirit is still here, lurking in the souls of the descendants and the wannabes.
With links and words we will examine the island through the summer of '09...if you can keep up.