To our knowledge, there's never been a comedy movie or TV show about lifeguards. The reason could be that the life and death situations they face every day is not funny in any way. The fear of drowning is one of the highest rated fears for human being; it's also

When you are brave enough to swim into the unforgiving ocean where anything can happen--quickly--you run the risk of not coming back to shore conscious or maybe not alive. That's why you should respect the lifeguards. They don't name them lifeguards for nothing. This is not Baywatch. They are professionals that go through rigorous training in order to save you from dying and they don't charge you a dime.
The whistle means that everyone should look to them and heed the warnings. Next time you want to get together with your snotty friends and buy the local boys another jet-ski, feel free to do so because you never know who's son or daughter or mom or dad is going to be pulled from the jaws of death. Thanking them instead of walking mindlessly by the stand would be a great way to show your appreciation.
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